24 October 2009


I don't really know what's going on anymore. My parents...I'm just really scared they will feel lonely when I grow up and have to leave. Sometime I dislike having my parents divorced, but when I think of it actually it's better this way.

It's all just confusing, lol. Maybe I'll work it out. Sooner or later.

On a brighter note, I got 72 for my moral final exam...I hope my other marks are good. Yes this mark was good but I know it could have been better. No point dwelling on it...When life gives you lemons make lemonade I guess. Or ice lemon tea.

Anyway. I think I'm gonna join orchestra in January... Going to my school counsellor to discuss my goals for high school. ^^ I hope it'll help.

Well, life has its ups and downs...Not much point moaning, groaning and refusing to let go. Yes my dad may be having some trouble, and I wish I could help him but he has Auntie Anita to confide in so I guess it's okay. At least he has someone. I'd rather he have someone because now that our tenants have moved out he's all alone in the house when I'm at mum's...I know how loneliness feels, and frankly it's terrifying. I don't want to have my dad go through that. Neither do I want my mum to go through that too. It's just a bit tougher cause I have to take care of both parent's feelings. But I'll manage! I promised a lot of people I would. So I will. But sometimes I have to raise a white flag, so bear with me when I do alright?

I'm sorry this post is depressing... I wish it could have been the other way around but I guess there's no helping it.

Wish me luck for the rest of my finals, and pray I make it through.


11 October 2009

Back to School

=.= Only Monday and Wednesday were school days for the past week. I think I'm suffering from schooling withdrawal symptoms. 0w0" Cripes, I must be going crazy. Well, finals are in ten days and I'm hopping around like a bunny high on Viagra or something... And anyway, I'm gonna study 6 hours a day. Not including tuition and school. Crazy, right? I'm turning into a robot. Or so Mamoru says. ^^ Yay! But since there are twelve subjects (English, BM, Chinese, Math, Science, Geography, History, PJK, Civic, Moral, Art and KH) of which I am not studying English and BM because there's no friggin' point, I am alternating between a set of subjects and another set of subjects. Effective I guess lol...I really shouldn't have left everything to the last minute. =.=

Anyway, I gotta go, and I'm sorry for leaving you with a short post today...


08 October 2009


My god, loads of my friends must be jumping seeing as it's PMR season... Lol. Exams, finals, SPM... All coming round to wreak havoc only I can dream of creating.

I sneezed so many times yesterday...I think it was like 25 times. -.- I honestly think I'm gonna fall sick. Or is it that the residues of the dust storm at Sydney have come here?

It's so confusing ne, how people think...it's really intriguing. I mean, what other animal has such cruelty in them? The complications, everything... Life is so short but it seems so long at times. Seriously la...I get amused by the things that come out of my mouth at times. Yay I'm vulgar and crude...

Stanleigh's new name is Jenkins Stanleigh~ Lol. New name, new life. ^^ Congratz Stan!!!

Ugh...two monthly tests on Thursday...History and Geography. Lol. I'm gonna die~ Who decided to do that anyway? Studying one is bad enough, but two? =.= I really have to get high on Oreos to do that.

And not to mention that my piano teacher is requesting that I get a real piano... >.< I'm poor, so in the meantime I'm gonna practise in my digital, stay back at piano to use the awesome Wagner there and perhaps ask my friend for help...

My church is requesting that I re-join orchestra...Should I? I have karate on Sunday mornings...if I join i have to go for practice on Sunday afternoon. Hmm...I feel bad because my dad doesn't really get to see me that often... And anyway I think I'll die from exhaustion. *sigh* I don't know...maybe I'll alternate weeks then. *sob*

I have just discovered a love for the arts~ Music, writing, art, martial arts, sewing, cross stitch, cooking, baking... Yes I know cross stitching is so grandma, but it's like meditating~ Lol. =.= I'm sad I don't really have the time for all that though. Even the art of politics and strategizing is fun~

Okay, I'll stop crapping and wasting your time... Ja!