26 November 2009


Lol. Yay contact lenses…It really is the weirdest thing to stick things into your eyes and be able to see clearly… Nevertheless I’m getting better at wearing them. ^^ Acuvue Moist dailies are so comfortable! >.< Now I sound like a salesperson. =.=

Anyway I gave up on making my shuriken…I’ll just borrow Jane’s cause it’s kinda difficult to make it when you’re strapped on time, money and mental health. Heh. You could say I’m pushing myself too much because I’m practically trying to study 9 subjects day…Because I was working for three days organizing my mother’s insurance documents, I’m pretty far behind on the notes. I pray with all my heart that I can manage to catch up…Lol.

Comic Fiesta is around the corner~ Prepare for a gushing newbie… I’m so goddamn excited! It’s my first, and I’ve heard that it’s the size of MidValley’s Convention Hall 3… But damn if I’m not high right now…Hyperness.

And I’m high from studying I think. Very high. ^^


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