27 August 2009

Nonsensical Rubbish...

I am so freaking bored...And to be honest, I haven't really been studying. Lol.

I'm currently at my mum's colleague's place, and suffice to say, this family absolutely loves having steamboat for dinner. I really have to agree, though...their steamboat is sublime.

^^ I've pretty much cut out and stuck all the bits of my shuriken~ Now there's just detailing and spray painting to do... I think the arms are a bit short though...it look kinda weird...but I have to continue, it's not like I'm going to just chuck the thing...even though I'm sorely tempted to. Lol.

Well, I hope everyone's fine... And I hope that Life is treating everyone well, because if it isn't I'll do my best to beat it up. Lol.


26 August 2009



I won't normally do this but a particular guy is just plain cracking me up. Let's call him Ja?

So I added him in MSN and we chatted....and I was talking about J. Then I switched topics and started to talk about random stuff... And the guy decided to ask me what J does to make me....you know.

So we chatted for a bit more... And I realised that he thought J a.k.a. X was my boy instead of D a.k.a. A. What the heck... Lol, this just made my day.

Short post...


School Holidays Rock


I love the school holidays... The time off lets me plan and clear my head. It's an awesome feeling, don't cha think? Once everything is decluttered...it's like you're a Zen Buddhist, floating around in your own head. I feel more serene already. ^^

But like the calm before a storm, I know that it's all going to get turned upside down and shaken about... So I'm just bracing myself for the hurricane that is going to unleash itself.

Lol...I'm still being so philosophical.

The Cockroach Killer srikes again! ^.^ I happily murdered a flying cockroach with my trusty aerosol cans, but I think I sprayed too much...you can smell the Ridsect from the corridor outside. CFC alert!

Well...six more days to the start of the second term.... Finals are coming up and it' time to study or I'll never get my freedom. But then again...apparently I'm smart (lol perasan) so a little studying, one hour a day should be enough.

Ja, and have a nice day!

24 August 2009

First blog post, lol... Random.

Lol. School hols are up...and I finally have the time to make my shuriken. But it's kinda tough....I really have to buy a proper blade to cut that cardboard properly.

Well...I have stuff to study. And random other things to do... Like plan for someone's downfall. I'm so mean. ^.^ But i'm completely unrepentant...sometimes you have to be mean in order to survive in this cruel cold world. Lol. Besides, i'm learning survival skills... Let's see if what my karate sensei said is true... He said i had fire in my spirit or spirit in my fire or something... So i'll do my best and see what happens, ne?

Life feels odd nowadays... Since I'm not really friends with Jane anymore, and since i've decided to break off with some other people i refuse to name for confidentiality's sake... Yeah, life is odd nowadays. Hmm...it's the start of a new life, a new day... A new era. Lol, I sound so philosophical. Geez, what's with the big words, anyway??

Okay...I think i'll start properly blogging next week... On Tuesdays and Thursdays if possible.
