27 August 2009

Nonsensical Rubbish...

I am so freaking bored...And to be honest, I haven't really been studying. Lol.

I'm currently at my mum's colleague's place, and suffice to say, this family absolutely loves having steamboat for dinner. I really have to agree, though...their steamboat is sublime.

^^ I've pretty much cut out and stuck all the bits of my shuriken~ Now there's just detailing and spray painting to do... I think the arms are a bit short though...it look kinda weird...but I have to continue, it's not like I'm going to just chuck the thing...even though I'm sorely tempted to. Lol.

Well, I hope everyone's fine... And I hope that Life is treating everyone well, because if it isn't I'll do my best to beat it up. Lol.


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