11 October 2009

Back to School

=.= Only Monday and Wednesday were school days for the past week. I think I'm suffering from schooling withdrawal symptoms. 0w0" Cripes, I must be going crazy. Well, finals are in ten days and I'm hopping around like a bunny high on Viagra or something... And anyway, I'm gonna study 6 hours a day. Not including tuition and school. Crazy, right? I'm turning into a robot. Or so Mamoru says. ^^ Yay! But since there are twelve subjects (English, BM, Chinese, Math, Science, Geography, History, PJK, Civic, Moral, Art and KH) of which I am not studying English and BM because there's no friggin' point, I am alternating between a set of subjects and another set of subjects. Effective I guess lol...I really shouldn't have left everything to the last minute. =.=

Anyway, I gotta go, and I'm sorry for leaving you with a short post today...


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